You can also be instrumental in opening a water well in Africa.

One tenth of the world's population, that is about 700 million people, do not have access to clean water.
The water that nearly 2 billion people drink does not comply with hygiene rules.
About 1,000 children die every day from cholera, diarrhea and typhoid fever caused by contaminated water.
The number of people who die every year due to drought, disease and difficulty in reaching water exceeds 2 million.
     Drought, poverty, rapid population growth and pollution threaten clean drinking water resources. In our world, where millions of people do not have healthy water, epidemics are increasing. If serious and feasible measures are not taken to prevent the reduction of clean water resources, the dangers that people face will increase even more. In many parts of the world, especially in Africa and Asia, people have to walk for kilometers to meet their daily water needs.
Monitoring, control, inspection and repair of wells
  • Water well location determination, needs assessment, feasibility and inspection studies are carried out by expert teams.
  • The water wells, which are found to be in need of technical maintenance or repair, are repaired by the ISAR Association in line with the inspections and the information received from the regions.
Service life and warranty period of water wells
  • The lifespan of water wells may vary depending on underground water reserves, climate changes, intensity of use and external factors (war, natural disaster, etc.). Depending on these reasons, the life of a standard water well varies between 3 and 10 years on average.
  • The warranty period for water well works is 2 years. During this period, the control and maintenance of the water wells is carried out by our foundation, and at the end of 2 years, the responsibility of the water wells is transferred to the people of the region.
What can you do?
You can get together with your family, friends, colleagues or relatives to have a water well drilled or donate any amount you wish to the water well fund for the necessary works (water well repair, generator purchase, water canal construction, warehouse purchase, installation and installation of water wells) for our brothers and sisters in need. You can contribute to the repair, etc.).
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