Sacrifice, which means approaching in the dictionary, means something that brings closer to Allah, as a religious term, means to slaughter an animal that meets certain conditions in accordance with the procedure for the purpose of worship in order to get closer to Allah and attain His consent, and the animal that is slaughtered for this purpose. A believer who is sane, free, resident, and rich according to religious criteria, by slaughtering his sacrifice for the purpose of gaining divine consent, both approaches God Almighty and helps those who cannot sacrifice because of their financial situation. In the spirit of this worship, there is an understanding of closeness to God and self-sacrifice to the people. Sacrifice is a sign of a Muslim's readiness to sacrifice his entire existence in the way of Allah when necessary.
Sacrificing an animal is a financial worship that every Muslim who is in good mental health, has reached puberty (adolescent), has wealth enough to be considered rich in religion and is a resident. Those who have 80.18 grams of gold or money or goods other than their basic needs and debt must sacrifice an animal. In addition, unlike zakat, one year does not have to pass over the nisab required for the obligation to sacrifice.
It is obligatory for a person to sacrifice an animal. If the person attributes this vow to the fulfillment of a condition, he must stop it when this condition is fulfilled. From the meat of the votive sacrifice, the owner of the votive cannot eat his wife, usul and family (their mother, father, grandparents, children and grandchildren from his own generation), and those who are outside of these and rich cannot eat it.
The sacrifice that is sacrificed for the new born child for the purpose of gratitude is called "akika". Hz. Descendants of the Prophet Hasan and Hz. He sacrificed an aqiqa for Hussein, and in one of his hadiths, "Every child (birth) is like a hostage in exchange for the aqiqa sacrifice to be sacrificed for him on the seventh day of his birth. After the Akika sacrifice is sacrificed, the head of the child is shaved and a name is given to it. (Abu Dawud, Dahaya, 21). Sacrificing an Akika sacrifice is permissible according to the Hanafi sect, and sunnah according to other madhhabs. Although the sacrifice of Akika can be sacrificed from the day of birth to the age of puberty, it is more virtuous to sacrifice it on the seventh day of birth. It is mustahab to give a name to the child on the same day, and to give the weight of his hair in gold or its value in charity.
A person can slaughter his victim himself or by proxy. Because sacrifice is an act of worship with goods like pilgrimage and zakat; In worship with property, the power of attorney is religiously appropriate. The power of attorney can be given verbally or in writing or via telephone, internet, e-mail and similar communication tools. The person or institution appointed as a proxy must fulfill the power of attorney duly. The important thing in the sacrifice is that the person's intention is for Allah and that the victim is sacrificed on behalf of himself by proxy. Therefore, there is no harm in slaughtering the victim in another province or abroad.
You can have the victim cut in your name or in the name of an acquaintance who has power of attorney for you. In line with the power of attorney you will give at the time of donation, your VACIP VICTIMS will be cut on behalf of the shareholder or owners notified by our association and will be distributed to those in need.
The country where your qurban will be slaughtered is determined by our team according to seasonal and regional needs, and the qurban is slaughtered in the countries deemed appropriate in line with the proxies and distributed to those in need.
We divide a bovine animal into 7 shares in accordance with Islamic methods. You can own a cattle by covering the price of 7 shares.
Your qurban is slaughtered in accordance with Islamic methods under the supervision of our teams. Shared meat is distributed in orphanages, refugee camps and villages in need.
Video recordings of our sacrifices are made and stored on our servers. Our donors who tick the option "I Want the Video of Sacrifice Slaughter" during donation are sent as SMS to the phone numbers of the shareholder they specify within 1 month.
Organizations that perform the qurban worship in accordance with Islamic methods and work meticulously can be given a sacrifice power of attorney. The important point in the victim proxy is the intention and will. Our benefactors have also given a power of attorney from the moment they donated your sacrifice to us.
Isar Aid and Solidarity Association receives Vacip Kurban donation to reach our brothers and sisters who are struggling with difficulties, impossibility and poverty in Asia and Africa. In accordance with the proxies given by our donors, sacrifices are purchased and slaughtered in accordance with Islamic procedures and rules in the regions where needs are determined, and they are delivered to the needy in the regions. You can make your Vacip Kurban donations online with your credit card on our website, and transfer the share price to our bank accounts via EFT/Money Transfer. In bank transfers, the name, surname and telephone information of the shareholder must be entered along with the note "VACIP KURBAN" in the explanation part. For detailed information about Vacip Kurban, you can send an e-mail to or call our line at +90 532 632 93 22.
To make your zakat donation, you can make it via the Online Donation system via the ZAKAT field with a credit card. For donations you will make through the bank, it will be sufficient to specify ZAKAT in the explanation section.
You can fill out the Volunteer Application Form on our site and specify the areas where you can support our work voluntarily. You can also participate in the events we organize to meet and meet our volunteers.
You can donate online using the online donation system. You can send your donation by money order to the bank account numbers on our website. You can place an automatic payment order with your credit card. You can make a cash donation by coming to the center of Isar Aid and Solidarity Association. (Please write the donation purpose (general, corporate, campaign..) and your mobile phone number in the explanation section of your donation.
Based on the fact that there are too many children in need of help in our country, our work in Turkey continues without slowing down. However, we are aware that it is of great importance to deliver aid to these regions due to the main reasons that can be considered a disgrace to humanity in our age, such as the fact that people are dying of hunger and drought in Africa and Asia, they walk many kilometers to reach water, and they cannot even reach a doctor while suffering from many diseases. In addition, while there are over 3 million war victims refugees living in our country alone, millions of children experience terrible nightmares during global and civil wars. With this in mind, we consider it our obligation to do our best for these regions.
For detailed information about donations in kind, you can contact our association via the contact information on our CONTACT page.
Isar Aid and Solidarity Association was established in August 2017.
Isar Aid and Solidarity Association was founded with the motto of "Don't sleep when your neighbor is hungry", with an understanding of volunteerism and service, by raising the phenomenon of cooperation, solidarity, sharing, empathy and fraternity. In this context, we want to reach all the oppressed, orphans, orphans, victims of mental and physical violence, victims of war and patients, especially children. On the other hand, we carry out our works in order to invite people to unity and solidarity in disasters, wars, famines and similar extraordinary situations and to meet the material and moral essential needs of those in need such as food, clothing, health, shelter and a place to sleep.
According to the World Orphan Children Report 2022; There are an average of 1 billion orphans, orphans and social orphans in the world. The rate in this report is increasing day by day, unfortunately, due to global events. In addition, today there are millions of children who are victims of war, physical and mental violence and have been removed from their homes and families. Children are the most sensitive point of our association, as babies and children need adults to continue their lives in a healthy way and their own competence is very limited. The best investment to be made for future generations; It is the day when his basic needs are met and he receives love and education. We are building the future with the intention of leaving a beautiful world to our children in the future.
If you want to be informed about the activities of our association, you can follow our website or our social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). Facebook: Isar Aid and Solidarity Association Twitter: @isardernegi Instagram: @isardernegi
Isar Aid and Solidarity Association is a completely voluntary movement and it is not affiliated with any community, political party, etc. not affiliated with or affiliated with.
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