The African Quran Distribution Project continues
 African Muslims struggle with various impossibilities while learning the Qur'an. To be distributed primarily to schools and madrasahs; The Quran gift is 50 TL, the Elif-Ba gift is 15 TL, and you can make a permanent contribution by making this auspicious occasion.

In the African continent, children had to learn literacy and basic religious knowledge in inappropriate and unhealthy conditions due to impossibilities. Colonial states left the Muslim African peoples far behind in education.
The Muslim people were able to create their own education system despite all the difficulties they faced on the path of science. This form of verbal education has actually been used as a traditional method in all African countries as required by the conditions.
 Although the colonialists left that land on paper, they left their missionaries behind. The missionaries wandering in Africa and the colonial states that went away did not let go of the African states in general and the Muslim people in particular, who tried to advance in the education process.
When Catholic schools, which spread rapidly in Africa, became the best examples of their regions, no one saw the need to build public schools. In addition, educational aids made by European states to Africa were transferred only to these Catholic schools. As it can be understood, the policy that was intended to be implemented was applied either to enable children to read and become Christians or to remain illiterate. Sometimes they even went so far that the historical records of most African countries were changed and replaced with a false history smelling of Christianity, and it was taught in this way in schools. When this is the case, the Muslim people preferred to send their children to madrasahs, where the traditional education system still continues, instead of sending them to these schools. 
İstatistiki verilere göre 1900 yılında 558 milyon olan dünya Hıristiyan nüfusunun yaklaşık %50’si Avrupa kıtasında bulunuyordu. Bugün ise bu kıtada dünya toplam Hıristiyan nüfusunun sadece %20’si yaşamaktadır. Bunun sebebi kıta nüfusunun çok fazla artmamasının yanında diğer kıtalardaki Hıristiyan nüfusunda ciddi bir artış olmasıdır. Hıristiyanlığın 20. yüzyılda en fazla artış gösterdiği kıtalar Asya ve Afrika kıtalarıdır. Günümüzde toplam Hıristiyan nüfusunun %35’i bu iki kıtada yaşamaktadır. Oysa yüzyılın başında adı geçen iki kıtada yaşayan Hıristiyanlar toplam Hıristiyan nüfusun sadece %5’ini oluşturuyordu. Başka bir ifade ile; 20. yüzyılın başında Asya ve Afrika kıtalarında toplam 25-30 milyon civarında Hıristiyan mevcutken bugün bu rakam 700 milyona ulaşmış bulunmaktadır.[26] İstatistikî bilgiler geçtiğimiz yüzyılda misyonerlerin elde ettikleri başarıyı hiçbir tartışmaya mahal bırakmayacak şekilde ortaya koymaktadır. (Diyanet işleri Başkanlığının Yayımladığı Diyanet dergisinin 38 cilt 2. Sayısından alıntılanmıştır.)
     Muslim African people attach great importance to madrasah education. Madrasahs generally apply the oral education system, which has been shaped as a tradition by various difficulties. The education system, which is based on the method of learning and memorizing only by the teacher without using any notebook or pen, and the children learning and memorizing by repetition, is an indispensable method in every country of Africa due to the impossibilities. As the Isar association, we continue our studies of science education and Qur'an courses, while continuing our madrasah and mosque constructions within the scope of Islamic education studies. With the Qur'an course, we aim to teach, understand and keep alive our supreme book, the Qur'an, in the best possible way.
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